terms and conditions

Yes... it is also possible to advertise at the Dark Troll Festival if you are planning events or for other things. However, we attach great importance to order and cleanliness on our castle. We will therefore not simply hang up posters and distribute flyers and will dispose of them directly.

More information under media data

detailed information you can find on link "approach"

You can arrive from Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m., when our campsites officially open. To unload, driving to campsite A is possible until Thursday morning at 12:00 p.m., from then on the road to the castle is completely closed.

box office
There will be an evening box office.

Daypass 50,- €/day
Weekendpass 135,- €

For reasons of space, it is not possible to park on the Burgberg (Camping A) or to camp with caravans and mobile homes.

Campsites B and C, below the castle in the village, are exclusively available for mobile homes and caravans.

One camping ticket per visitor is also valid here!

A car where you want to sleep is not a mobile home and therefore has to go to the parking lot.

The campsites are officially open for you from WEDNESDAY 8:00 a.m. and are looked after by the sports club SV Blau-Weiß Bornstedt or the dog sports club. Everything that has to do with camping is the sole responsibility of the clubs.

The camping ticket is valid per person!

When camping, please be sure to observe the rules for the campsite in the general terms and conditions

We ask that you show a little respect for each other. The campsite is very small and accordingly tents will be very close together.
We are a small cozy festival, which shouldn't lose its flair even on the campsite.
Not all visitors want to stay awake continuously all weekend.

We prohibit loud music from 2:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.!

Please just be a bit considerate of other visitors!

Cash & EC
At the Dark Troll Festival, we made it possible for you to withdraw up to €200 in cash in our office. To do this, we will debit an amount X + €5 fee from your EC card and pay you the amount X in cash.

crew & security
The crew and security will be on the premises throughout the evening. The instructions of the crew members and the security must be followed!

Security has domiciliary rights with us and may also expel people from the festival site!

disabled persons
People with a disability (> 50% GDB) may bring an accompanying person with them upon presentation of a severely disabled person's pass or an official certificate of the degree of disability, who will be admitted to the event free of charge. Free camping is excluded!

We also provide people with disabilities (> 50% GDB) with a free parking space near the festival site.

However, the parking lot is only possible for people with walking difficulties near the festival area!

The Dark Troll Festival stuff strongly keeps distance to right-wing extremist attitudes and national socialist ideas. We will not tolerate violations against the laws and the regulations shown in the terms and conditions. Every violation leads to the immediate exclusion from the festival and will be charged.

As you might know from every other festival in Europe, glass of every kind is not permitted on the location! Just a short explanation to all of you who still don’t get the idea of security. It’s about conditions, security and in your own interest to keep glass away from the festival. First of all a lot of things can happen if some drunk people feel comfortable cutting themselves with it and second it’s not a very nice activity to crawl on all four looking for sharp pieces on the ground. Our security will do strict inspections and glass will immediately be collected. There is no claim to refund in this case.

jobs @ Dark Troll Festival
for the most beautiful festival in the world, we also need a crew that puts their heart and soul into making the Dark Troll Festival and other events under the wing of In Fiction Entertainment what it is... Also in the best crew in the world , which has manifested itself over the years at the castle, sometimes one or the other has to leave the crew or, for personal reasons, does not have the time to be part of the crew at the most beautiful festival in the world.

That's why we're always on the lookout for fellow campaigners who approach the matter with just as much passion and want to become part of the crew.

So if you are interested, just take a look at our Job Exchange and apply without obligation. We will then clarify everything else in personal e-mails.

lost property
You can drop in and pick up lost property from the cash desk at the entrance or office.

Festival-Merchandise (T-Shirts, Wallpaper, etc.) and band-merchandise you can find on the advertised stands.

Open fire and barbecue
Open fire is strictly prohibited! Barbecuing is only allowed on the campsites, in the designated areas.

Parking is only possible below the castle in a parking lot created especially for the Dark Troll Festival (see map). Camping is NOT permitted there. The car park is regularly checked by our stewards. Liability of the operator is excluded!

As some have noticed, we have had serious problems with randomly parked cars for the past few years, which ultimately forced the authorities to act as well. We have strict requirements when it comes to parking and it is imperative that we implement them.

Please be so good and use this parking lot and don't park anywhere in town or on the country roads!

We would like to point out that vehicles that impede the rescue service, fire brigade and delivery traffic will be towed at the owner's expense!

Unloading at Camping A in the castle is possible until Thursday morning, from 12:00 p.m. to Sunday 06:00 a.m. the road to the castle will be completely closed! We then provided a shuttle service for you from the parking lot to the festival, which will drive for you regularly.

Parking in the forest is strictly forbidden!!!

Pets and Dogs
Pets, especially dogs, are not really the best example of a festival goer and are therefore not allowed with us.

If you think you still have to take your pet with you, you can camp with us, but the festival area is taboo!

In the case of dogs, we absolutely point out the need for leashes and muzzles!!! Violations, we will not tolerate in this regard!

running order
The running order will appear in good time before the festival under the menu item "Running Order".

Of course we also have showers. At Camping A in the clubhouse there. For camping B and C the showers are in the gym at camping B (300m from camping C)

A shuttle service will be provided for you, which will commute regularly between the parking lot, campsites and festival site during the day. Prices here are €2,00 per trip.

Wednesday: 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m
Thursday 08:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m
Friday: 1:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m
Saturday: 1:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m

Hotline: +49 160 / 982 560 50

There is no legal entitlement here!

sleeping in the car
You are welcome to sleep in the car... but unfortunately only in the parking lot and without a tent, pavilion or similar.
Only tents and guests with a valid camping ticket are allowed on the campsites.

Caravans and mobile homes only at Camping B and C

We will tolerate vans that are equipped in such a way that living in is possible...

traffic and prohibitions
From Thursday 12:00 p.m. to Sunday 6:00 a.m. the road to the castle will be completely closed.
Blocking of the gravel road along the biogas plant.

Strict no stopping applies at the entrance to the town in the curve area coming from Wolferode / Eisleben.
Strict parking ban on Karl Marx Straße at Camping Platz B!

underage persons
Minors under the age of 18 are not permitted entry without a legal guardian or an agreement transferring legal guardianship (and the authorized person).

You can download the agreement on the transfer of legal guardianship HERE.

The agreement is ONLY valid in connection with a copy of the identity card of the legal guardian.

Alcohol is only served within the framework of the applicable legal provisions, in particular §9 JuSchG.

Children under the age of 6 are not admitted to the festival! (Not to annoy the parents, but for the benefit of the children ;))

Children between the ages of 6 and 12 have free entry.
Free camping is excluded!

Video, image and sound recordings
The visitor irrevocably agrees to the free use of his or her likeness and/or voice in photographs, live transmissions, broadcasts and/or recordings of image and/or sound recordings made by the organizers or their agents or other third parties in connection with the event created, as well as their subsequent use in all present or future media.

Recording with mobile phones, cameras or other media recording devices is strictly prohibited. We refer to the data protection guidelines here!

weapons and dangerous objects
Weapons of any kind and objects with which one can cause harm to others are strictly forbidden and lead to the immediate exclusion of the event without discussion!

Our security decides what weapons are! We will not have a discussion with you about this!